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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does a computer system increase profitability?

Depending on your current business model, there are many ways that computerizing your store can increase your profit. Most dry cleaners see immediate advantages in consistent pricing, increased employee accountability and savings in paper supplies.

By consistently pricing according to fabric type, you will be able to easily increase your revenue. Cleaner Business Systems customers can use the system to record fabric type for every garment, ensuring that correct pricing is implemented for extra work needed with special fabrics such as silk and linen.

Cleaner Business Systems also has the ability to track employee actions within the system, increasing employee accountability. This prevents unauthorized discounts and invoice modifications, since reports are visible to all managers and owners.

Using Cleaner Business Systems, you will also be able to save on paper costs just by replacing a paper-dependent invoice system. Handwritten invoices have an average cost of 6 to 8 cents per invoice. When taking advantage of thermal printing technology, your per invoice cost will drop to around 1 cent per invoice. Many times cleaners are able to cover most of their return on investment with paper supply savings alone.

Q: I have a problem with orders being mixed up during assembly causing my customers to receive incomplete or incorrect orders. Can a computer system help me overcome this problem?

Yes. Cleaner Business Systems allows you to print garment tags with the same number as appears on the invoice, as well as customer name, total pieces in the order and the invoice due date. This eliminates the need for multiple numbers assigned to a single order, and helps employees easily keep track of entire orders.

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Phone & Fax

Local: 952-641-3000
Toll Free: 1-800-406-9649
Fax: 952-895-5816

