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Manager Alerts

Sign up for Clean Notify today!

Manage your business better with Alerts

Now you can keep track of all activity related to your store, even if you aren’t there. With manager alerts, you’ll receive consistent reports regarding any suspicious activity, sales information, and productivity alerts to better manage your throughput.

Clean Notify for Owners include access to all features and alerts including but not limited to:

  • Invoices Not Racked
  • Incoming Sales
  • Sales by Payment
  • Pieces Due Tomorrow
  • Credits/Charges Added
  • Voided Invoices
  • Cash Drawer Opened

Automated Manager Reports

Enhanced invoice tracking, sales tracking, production information, and suspicious activities directly reported.

Tighten Productivity

Our system will tell you what is due each day and also tell you if invoices aren't racked. This makes tracking every piece a cinch.

Measure Sales

Understand your sales better. You'll have customizable content reported to you to help you better understand where to put your sales efforts.


Receive alerts when suspicious activity happens at your terminal. Unauthorized actions will be made known to you every time.

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Contact information

Phone & Fax

Local: 952-641-3000
Toll Free: 1-800-406-9649
Fax: 952-895-5816

